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Started by Berlin Elementary School in 1985, the Berlin PTNA is dedicated to building and strengthening our school community by coordinating events, fundraising, and providing support to students and teachers.
Our current members include Sarah Avery (President), Denise Desalto (Vice President), Gina Page (Treasurer), Ashley Lachance (Community Relations Coordinator), and Jen Boardman (Secretary).
PTNA-Sponsored Events
We organize events that bring our school community together!

Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat

Holiday Bazaar

Staff Appreciation Breakfast

Back-to-School Watermelon Social

Bingo Night

Spring Picnic
PTNA Support to BES
We provide support to our school in many different ways!
Summer Camp and
Winter Assistance
Graduation Flowers
Science Enrichment Programs
Special Classroom
Shirts for Kindergarten
and New Students

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